Saturday, April 12, 2014

"As Long as they're funny" part III: Stephen Colbert

He's not Conan.

But he's funny.

And white.

And male.

Stephen Colbert is going to do a fine job as the second host of The Late Show. I notice that much of what I said in "As Long as they're funny" has been repeated by many "journalist" [it feels wrong calling entertainment columnist journalist]. Although, I can hardly use the phrase "repeated" since it was not from me these "journalist" first heard their ideas.

With Comedy Central losing it's host for the 11:30 spot, it seems all but certain that a woman should and probably will land that time slot. Jon Stewart [and his 10 Best Variety Show Emmys] probably has a say in who follows him, since the 11:00 & 11:30 time slot with The Daily Show and The Colbert Report have been so link as a one hour block of entertainment/mock-news. Further, with Craig Ferguson being passed over I do predict he will leave the 12:35 time slot and move on to bigger and better things. I still feel HBO will make a good home for him.

That is all for now. Nice and short. Just like my readers like it.